Huge Disappointment

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Dec 24, 2017
I had high hopes for this one. I didn't notice that the blank I started with wasn't perfectly square, so I ended up with slightly misaligned segments. That I could, begrudgingly, accept. The small crack, under the clip, is another matter. So it's heading to be disassembled and I've started on a new blank.


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Sorry but I have to agree with Carl. The grain is gorgeous! I can understand your disappointment because you could do better but it's still a very nice pen. Now that being sad about you doing better is because I've seen your work and I know how particular you are. It's far better than I could ever do. Therefore I'm still impressed.
Sorry but I have to agree with Carl. The grain is gorgeous! I can understand your disappointment because you could do better but it's still a very nice pen. Now that being sad about you doing better is because I've seen your work and I know how particular you are. It's far better than I could ever do. Therefore I'm still impressed.
Well I removed it from the pen, without damage, I can fix the crack, it I'm also remaking the blank. We'll see how it goes.
The downside to being a perfectionist (or at least as close as possible). I had many blanks that were very nice, but I knew the slight flaw it it really bugged me. I would use them in demos to show where the flaws where. However, I agree with the comments above - a very nice blank! But I also will not critique your effort to be closer to your level of satisfaction. Be well!
I was working on one this week and wondered how exact the squareness of the blank needed to be. Is .5 mm too much. Do you know how much out of square your blank was?

The wood is gorgeous!
My opinion is I see the defect but also do not think the red,white and blue go with the blank. To me the colors just do not fit the brown. But it is your pen so just giving an opinion.
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