Howdy, from Corpus Christi, Texas

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Sep 3, 2013
Howdy, from the far south of Texas, Corpus Christi.

Just turned my first pen on Sep 2, 2013. (daughter's birthday)

For a while I've been thinking of making arrow pens, but I didn't know where and how to start. So, that idea eventually was dropped. Then at our gun show I saw some beautiful 30 cal bolt action pens someone was selling. I didn't buy one, not because it wasn't worth the money but because, I looked at the pen with a "craftsmanship view", can I make these? That is all it took to set the hook! I ask my best buddy "GOOGLE" and it came with results and directed me to PSI and ordered 3 kits on aug 20. Then fun begun! CA glue? drilling ? turning? whoa what did I get myself into. Well being in the machine shop for decades seems as it wasn't bad for me to pick and run with these new challenges. In no time I made and assembled my first pen and gave it to daughter and more fuel was added to these fire. Her eyes lighted up and she was amazed to see such a beautiful pen and icing on the cake was her dad had made it for her. Whoa.

then my buddy GOOGLE directed me to IAP , found so much expertise that is being past on to us. So much reading to do, so many questions to ask..... you 'all will be hearing from me .

I'm hooked and on fire :) . I'M GLAD TO BE PART OF THE IAP GROUP


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Welcome Frank, from Central Texas. The IAP Library can answer lots of your questions. Got more questions, just ask and some one will give you the answer.

Remember, we really like pictures.

Frank, welcome from Georgia. Your new hobby will certainly keep you busy and give you great joy. Find a local IAP chapter in your area and attend their meetings, lots of great people and information.
Everyday I'm vertical is a great day
Frank, welcome from up the road in San Antonio.
For the arrow pen, check Don Ward's (itsvirgil) website at
He has a wealth of knowledge for making modified SlimLine pens, and has a great tutorial on making arrow pens.
Show us your pics....
My son and I probably talked to you. I'm sorry I didn't buy one from you, They are darn worth it but when I looked at the your work gears were turning and ask myself, this would be a nice challenge for me plus give my three children something dad made. I enjoyed every minute while making them. Thanks, Maybe we will meet again,

My son and I probably talked to you. I'm sorry I didn't buy one from you, They are darn worth it but when I looked at the your work gears were turning and ask myself, this would be a nice challenge for me plus give my three children something dad made. I enjoyed every minute while making them. Thanks, Maybe we will meet again,

Forgot to mention who I was addressing this to:biggrin:
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