I've been trying to make pens for about the last 5 months, but my uncle came to visit and has taught me a lot. One, he introduced me to this site. Have a blessed day.
Welcome Doug! It is always great to have a close friend or relative, or favorite Uncle to call on for help, advice and some hand-me-down tools. :wink: Listen to him and you will be wise.
Post some picts of your work when you can. While JB will be your best source of information, I will add some that we give to those new to this site:
Below are links to some threads/articles that have lots of information on pen turning. The first one is a very basic overview of the many aspects of getting into turning pens. http://www.penturners.org/forum/showthread.php?t=42446
Welcome from San Diego California.
I know I have learned a lot from this site.
Wish I had a favorite Uncle to teach me. Alas I learn on my own.......... but it just as fun.
Welcome Doug,
Now it's time to make freinds with the local tree companies to get the heads up when they trim/cut down some of that exotic/tropical wood you have growing down in those parts. Free wood.......mmmmmmmm