OK, I printed instructions once on setting up the camera for taking pictures. From what I keep seeing, I am supposed to set the F stop at 8 (IIRC). I try to set the camera according to the grayscale card, yet it only works good that way 1/2 the time and no matter what menu I try, I only ever see the "F" on the window listed at either 3, 3.5 or 4.
What am I doing wrong?
Camera is a Canon S2-IS.
BTW, It takes awesome pics when I can get the camera to select the correct colors based on the graysacale card, but I still don't think it's as good as many of the pictures I see here daily.
What am I doing wrong?
Camera is a Canon S2-IS.
BTW, It takes awesome pics when I can get the camera to select the correct colors based on the graysacale card, but I still don't think it's as good as many of the pictures I see here daily.