Just to get a list started: seeds of all types, leather, cloth of many kinds, wood chips, sawdust, metal dust and chips of all kinds, rocks/minerals (yes, rocks drilled and turned with diamond tools) Cast material - acrylic, epoxy, other, leaves, bark, pine cones, corn cob, cork, bone, horn, ivory, mammoth tusk, hair, feathers, solid metals of all kinds including titanium, and of course steel, aluminum, brass, copper, silver, poisonous woods including poison ivy, poison oak, skins such as snake skin, fish skin, etc., - and as mentioned, this is just the list to get started.
NOW to your specific question - pick the item of interest and do a search on this forum. If you are like me, I have to re-word a question two of three times and still do not get the "find" that fits what I need, then I post a question for the specific material and often get a good number of responses. Lots of helpful responders here, but it does help to narrow the field in the question, or the answers will be all over the place.