How to get dried ca off of an already assembled resin blank?

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May 9, 2022
Was CAing the components of the pen inside and didnt realize I got some on my hands, touched the tube and it has a ton of spots of dried ca, any advice to getting it off? The components are already glued in and the blank is very fragile so dont want to disassemble
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Depending on the kind of pen, assuming you CA finished, you may be able to unscrew some of the parts. Threaded parts on the blank can then be placed between centers (maybe with something to buffer the threads from the metal of the centers, like paper towel or the like). Tape of the fittings if necessary to prevent scratching, then you could lightly sand with fine grit sandpaper and then polish to clean up the blank.

If you finished with something other than CA, I'm not sure I have any recommendations...other than, at least, not to glue your parts with CA. CA can react with some platings, so it is better to use something like loctite to hold parts in place. Easier to disassembly if necessary, and won't react with platings.
Was CAing the components of the pen inside and didnt realize I got some on my hands, touched the tube and it has a ton of spots of dried ca, any advice to getting it off? The components are already glued in and the blank is very fragile so dont want to disassemble
You just learned a very valuable lesson. CA is not even close to the best choice for gluing kit components in the tubes. Two part epoxy or LockTite thread locker are both much better choices. Both can be cleaned with denatured alcohol if need be.

Sorry, but I can't help with your question. Seems to me any solvent that will dissolve the CA would bugger up your finish. Good luck and I hope do.eone has a solution for you.
Do a good turn daily!
There is a way . . . if you were a well experienced bowl turner. With the right collets or chucks, a pen without a pen clip, or pen with the bottom half only messed up could be mounted and re-finished. But it takes someone who has the tools to hold the pen in an unconventional way.

Probably it is not worth it to go to the trouble of what is needed to do what you want. But it is doable with patience and experience. I lived in Japan for a number of years and watched master craftsmen spend hours fine tuning a finish or cut. If one is ready to give this a try, it could be done. Pipe sanders gives the potential for a home made stretched but flexible sander that could do similar on a pen. Probably nothing less that 600 to 800 grit or 3000 mm sanding in spots. The problem at this point will be re-finishing. UV resin/cured finish might be the best finish at this point as it can be more easily placed then cured on the sanded spots.

It is not impossible but it might not be worth it.
Yes it can be done but think outside the box. Get some delrin rods and make some bushings to hold the pen part. Tape off components and have at ti. Take your time and as mentioned it is a good lesson learned. Agree with Don forget the CA to glue parts in. It is too messy and brittle. Use a red or blue loctite for the gluing. Each one has different holding power so read labels and understand what you want to do.
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