Question about writing a book on pen turning asked week or so back. Surprised no one touched upon "How much does it cost to publish your own book?" So I went looking for answers. I am the guy that thought producing a CD/DVD on the subject might be easier and cheaper.
Full-service self-publishing http://outskirtspress.com/selfpublishing.html
Welcome to Lulu.com, the global leader in self-publishing.
I stopped looking after going to sites listed above, did not send off for information. Think Christina Hamlet's article below gives food for thought and other options.
How Much Money Does It Cost to Publish a Book?
Read more: How Much Money Does It Cost to Publish a Book? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_5059254_much-money-cost-publish-book.html#ixzz0w0s7F0AY
Full-service self-publishing http://outskirtspress.com/selfpublishing.html
Welcome to Lulu.com, the global leader in self-publishing.
I stopped looking after going to sites listed above, did not send off for information. Think Christina Hamlet's article below gives food for thought and other options.
How Much Money Does It Cost to Publish a Book?
Read more: How Much Money Does It Cost to Publish a Book? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_5059254_much-money-cost-publish-book.html#ixzz0w0s7F0AY