How much do you spend in a year?

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  • None of your dang business

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Mar 23, 2005
New Orleans
How much, on average, do you spend each year on supplies (kits, tools, materials, first aid, & etc.) on this (craft, art, hobby, obsession, whatever you call it) that we do?
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Ok, I'll tell BUT on one condition,DO NOT tell 'wifey' or else this will be my final expendite for the year and for all time.

2005 total = $2,345.21 CAD just ask my spreadsheet[:D]

Spent close to $1,500. I'm starting so a lot of tools and the rest is probably first aid [:D][:D][:D][:I]

But i should add that the way it's going, i'll double this for 2006 (but not the first aid part)

Note that my wife don't have acces to this site [}:)]

My first year was a killer but after that I've settled down! Over $300 this year and it is only January - but that was a Wolverine set up and new grinder! Ain't life grand!!! And I have a hubby that has put up with me for nearly 46 years![:D][8D][:p][}:)]
Thats a toughie since last year was my first year, but it was probably in the 2k-2.5k range. Unless you count the new lathe that hasn't arrived yet (but paid for it last year) then we are talking in the 4k range. I think you can call this an obsession [}:)]
Dont' have a clue. Only been turning for 3 months.[:0] I would estimate that when my year is up this October it will pass $4000.[:(] On top of that I've only sold about $400 in pens.[:(!] A long way to go and a short time to do it in.[:D][:D]
I've probably spent close to 5K since April of '05 and as near as I can figure I made almost that`much in sales for the year....Somethin just ain't right But I've had fun, made new friends and got a bunch of cool new tools I didn't have before!
You guys spend way more than me. I was feeling like I spend too much on this hobby. Now I need to go buy some more to catch up with the rest of you. LOL. If I spent the same amount on woodworking as the wife spends on shoes I'd have the nicest shop in town.

Originally posted by HuskyDriver
If I spent the same amount on woodworking as the wife spends on shoes I'd have the nicest shop in town.

I try to compete with my wife's shoe shopping, but every store in town carries those &%^$#%$ things, whereas I have to order in all of my <s>wants</s> needs.
I'm getting ready to do an early retirement. I have always been told that once you retire you have no money for anything. SO I have purchased my major tools that I will need and the small stuff will not be a problem. That is what put the line item to the forth mark.

slippery rock, pa
hmm...just started...dont want to know....the pile of invoices on the desk looks like its around $3500.00. Perfect ratio for my $100 in sales.
Glad this is a hobby for profit thing.[:D][:D]
Last year was my first and I spent close to $5K... and like someone else I already had most of the tools. [:0] I bought a couple of scroll chucks, but the rest was mainly wood, blanks and kits. Hopefully I can settle down some this year since I have a pretty good stock pile.
I spent about $1,700 between July and December last year. I expect it will be pushing $5,000 this year. Actually I hope it's alot more than that because that would mean I'm selling a lot.[:D]
Just realized that I started this poll & never replied..oops.
Last year-about $4000. This year is going to be much more because of that b%#(h Katrina. Totaled my shop & alot of my tools & jigs. Oh well. Nothing like starting off with all new toys.
When I got into this hobby early last year I told my wife that I could make all of our Christmas gifts for 2005. I did make most of the Christmas gifts and she was kind enough to point out that my amortized cost per pen is still in the $100+per pen range.
What are you nuts asking a question like that in a forum where our wives can read the truth... do you actually expect to get an accurate answer... [:p][:p]
I will be nice though and tell you Yes.... it is between $0 and $5000
Originally posted by Thumbs
<br />Ugh! I have to be near line number 3, maybe even higher! And I already had most all the tools........[:(]

That's because you live next door to Grizzly... [:p][:p][:p]
OMG.....I have to say that I seldom buy ONE of anything anymore, it's usually in 10' yeah....I watch the exchange rate carefully...... so get the idea..somewhere between 3-5k.....and I may be short on that and soon as I get those Fanger pin chucks and some of Anthony's nibs......Somebody Stop Me!!!!
The 5 to 15 is from Jul 05 till end of year. I've already spent over5 this year and I've not worked up a sweat yet. My hubby says he won't tell me No so I guess I'm in good for now.[:D][:D][:D] It's good to see another Lady wood worker(Miss Bev). We are an extremely small minority. But, I must compliment the gentlemen of this Org. for their willing acceptance. You Guys ROCK!!!!!!![:I][:D][:I][:D]
It's great to have the support of your spouse. Mine supports my habit endlessly (almost). When I had a motor failure on my lathe, I was looking for a replacement. She told me to just go buy another lathe and we'll worry about replacing the motor later. She likes buying me "care packages" from Bill Baumbeck. What a woman! [:D]
TOO MUCH! I won't post it here cause my wife may see how much I spend. Turning is an addiction. Thought of starting "Turners Anonymous" group......
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