I need to join Lathes Anonymous. I have eight lathes in my shop. I did give one away last week so I do not still have nine anymore. Of the eight, two of them are metal lathes so they should not count against my lathe count . And two are not plugged in so they should not count either. One lathe is setup for buffing and polishing so that one does not count either. One is set up for large bowls that I just never seem to turn anymore so it should only count as half a lathe. So by my count I have just one lathe that I use almost daily. I might need another lathe. See how I got nine in the first place.
Worse by far is the number of pen blanks in my shop. The local Rockler and Woodcrafters combined have fewer pen blanks than I have. My wife guessed that I had over a thousand blanks. Lucky she did not look closer. If I had to guess I put the number at three or four thousand. People give me wood because they think that I can use it and might need more. If I see wood I like, I buy it for later, whenever that will be. Remember that person with the most wood wins as long as he has the most fun while he has it.