Wednesday and Thursday I was out in the shop rearranging and finally labeling all the blanks that were not labeled and it dawned on me that I haven't bought a blank from outside the IAP in over 2 years. We have some of the best vendors of any site on the net. With wood from guys like Gary Max, Nolan, Big Rob, Wolfdancer, Castings and Imports from The princess and Ed at www.Exocticblanks.com, more castings from Gary119,ElMostro,worthless woods from Mesquiteman and the list goes on and on. Plus the Group buys on acrylics here it seems to me that there isn't much out there that we can't get here
Just was courious as if anyone else hasn't bought from outside the IAP.
Just was courious as if anyone else hasn't bought from outside the IAP.