how I spent my sunday

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Apr 4, 2007
Livermore, CA, USA.
There was a Big List of things that I was going to do last weeked,
Spending 9 hours at the Hospital was not even on the list
When I was admitted they thought that I (A) had a blood clot in my Lung or (B) had Pneumonia...after Many hours of EKG's CT Scans Chest Xrays,Blood Tests, More Blood Tests, blood Lettings, Mophine Drips, IV's

it was deteremied that I only Had (B)....
so Iam am home resting taking pain pills and antibiotics
and I dont even have the energy to turn a pen......
Im Still Lurking about.....



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Jay, Get well soon! Hospital beds are not fun to be in, if one can help it. Hey, at least you can get caught up on the latest catalogs of pens and lathes! :biggrin:
Hope all goes well for a speedy recovery! You might want to try scoring that IV rack behind you, would make a great hanger for your lacquer pens as they dry!!!:rolleyes:
Dude, that sucks.

And here is the frustrating part when trying to recover from pneumonia. Before too long (in a few days) you'll start to feel better, good enough to want to do things. But don't... You'll find you get incredibly tired incredibly fast. That is a sign your body has not recovered and you need to continue to rest. If you inadvertantly over do it, you'll be back at the point where you are now quicker than you can say "why do I feel so crappy?"

The boredom when trying to recover from pneumonia is enough to drive you nutz. Because you'll start to feel better in days, and your lungs will really need weeks to recover to be able to fully handle any workload you throw at it.

Get well.
Jay, my thoughts are with you. I've been there and done that and it really does hurt. I actually thought I had a broken rib or two. Hang in there for me the Antibiotics took the edge off pretty quick. don't try to get up and going to soon though you just set yourself back to square one... or so I was told... wouldn't do any such thing myself... like h..l I wouldn't. and it doesn't hurt less the second time around.
I'm glad for you that it was not more serious.
But please take it easy and make a full, speedy recovery.
You will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself and get well. Just to let you know after the meeting at Nolan's I have purchased some Alumilite and 3 sets of the Pearl EX and the scale, cups and tounge depressors. Most of it was online so I have to wait for it all to arrive. My Grandson has made 1 chrome cigar pen out of 1 of the blanks he cast, looks mighty good, will try and get a picture this weekend before he goes back to Idaho. Thanks again for you help and get well soon. Oh! were did you get the mold release spray from?

Lots of good advice here for you. I had pneumonia caused by a lung tumor a few years ago, and agree that it sucks and knocks you out energy-wise. Take it easy and follow doctor's orders!
what the heck. don't you get enough attention... Had to go bother those nice nurses, at the hospital to wait on you.....
Seriously, get well, soon. If you need anything let me know.
What you don't see, is that Jay's right hand (out of the picture) is full of tongue depressers and specimen cups for mixing aluminite. His eyes are scanning for new things to cast.

Get well soon Jay. Remember, like Billman said above, when you feel better in a few days, you aren't healed. The process takes a while.

By the way, thanks to you demo, we now have a pressure pot and some pearl ex.
Thanks again
Hay Jay, Several thoughts!

First, If you go to a hospital--you really only want to visit some body!
Two, I'm disappointed in you Jay! You have not sold any rose pedal pens to the Nurse as yet!

But what ever you do do get well soon, my brother!

Sorry to hear about the penumonia. Yes, take it very easy as it does take a while for your lungs to recover. Drink lots of fluids to keep your mucous thin and it will be easier for your lungs to clear, avoid soda and move daily, just walking around, no work, as it helps to move the phlegm out of the bottom of your lungs. Avoid sawdust and fumes as they will further irritate your lungs.
I will turn some pens in your honor and then you won't feel like you aren't doing anything. You are doing something-healing.
To My IAP Family
Thank you all for your thoughts,prayers and sage advice....
I am being good and just resting as ordered.
to my castaholics....I was looking at anything that could be cast....Ive done gauze...
needles are too sticky.....the IV racks all had Kaiser Walnut Creek ER etched in I figgered that they might miss that! the gown was too plain! they would not give any Morphine to go.......
I have an Appointment on Tues with a Lung Specialist ans at this point not to work thru 28jun09...

Being this is the Height of the summer crush at work , I have had Several Co-workers as me if I am contagious!!! LOL

Still Lurkin----Jay
Well ...My IAP Family... I saw the Lung Specialist today.....I still Have Pneumonia, I got to see My CT was Ugly....todays Xrays were the same as last week's
..I get to do More test and xrays...the Dr says I will glow in the dark when we are done....I Did NOT have to have my lung Drained today....a big wheeew on that one.
I walked up and down the stairs at the med Ctr....I am now off work thru 06jul09....
more test....more tests....but I am getting better.....did i mention that I am BORED out of my skull!!!!
Also Big Thanks to Greg Ketell, who drove me to the appt...cause I was supposed to have the lung drained......and you dont drive after that lil hummer....
did i mention I was bored.......
This might be a good time to write up that titillating tutorial about your method of casting blanks, or you could just catch up on some reading. Writing would probably be less boring.
This might be a good time to write up that titillating tutorial about your method of casting blanks, or you could just catch up on some reading. Writing would probably be less boring.
I agree. Let's get busy on that tutorial. I sure could use something to read about this difficult art.
Jay I hope you are feeling better but don't write the tutorial, let us pm you with questions and you give us hints. I think that's how it works now.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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Hello Family!

Update.... I amBegiining to Feel Better, I have not taken a pain pill in 3 days,
I did sneeze yesterday in the parking lot of the Med Ctr and thought I was going to pass out!! im learning to stiffle the yawns but the sneeze just about had me in tears.
Since this tutorial was not my Idea, I should make Cindy write it.....but.... I like Rob Wolfe's send me notes and I counsel...
Have More tests on Friday...a date with my Friend the Chest Xray on Monday...
will see the Dr after that.... I might try and do a pen today....
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