How I spent my Sunday afternoon

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Apr 20, 2007
Bowie, MD, USA.
Got the opportunity to spend this morning playing doubles volleyball with my son, then got to spend the afternoon with various doctors getting my ankle put back together! This will be inconvenient! Go to the Ortho sometime this week where they will tell me "that piece has to go back where it belongs"....yeehah! (did I mention that I am allergic to all opiates? i.e. codeine, percocets, etc)

met with the ortho...Wed or Thursday for surgery! Thursday it fix the THREE breaks they found, woohoo!

All set for 6:25 in the AM...the good news is I only have to go a few hours without eating :biggrin:! Should be home by noontime. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!
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Sorry to hear this. Man, that HAD to hurt like ____!
Hope you had some fun at the volleyball before the accident.
Heal well, heal soon is my wish for you.
Has someone forgotten he's not a kid anymore, hmmm? :rolleyes::biggrin:

Sorry you got busted up, Jon. Hope things work out ok.
Ooooouch Jon, hoping for a speedy recovery buddy. No biggie about allergic to pain killers, one whack of the hammer and you will forget all about any pain. In all seriousness, hope your better soon.
How about we cast his cast when he gets it taken off?

Then we'd have a cast of cast casters casting about!

Yes, forgot I'm not a was actually the first time I have really hit a volleyball since last summer's shoulder was a warm up day for a tournament next Saturday...guess I'm not gonna win that one! Pain surprisingly tolerable, just gonna be a nuisance!

Thanks for the kind thoughts!
(did I mention that I am allergic to all opiates? i.e. codeine, percocets, etc)
How do you feel about vodka...
On a serious note, sorry to see your injury. Hoping you have a speedy recovery. On a good note, you can get yourself a bar stool and sit at the lathe. Been there done that!
Got the opportunity to spend this morning playing doubles volleyball with my son, then got to spend the afternoon with various doctors getting my ankle put back together!

Jon; The Ski club I am in plays a vicious game of cut-throat volleyball!

Once this lady from the club went up to defend and the guy on the other side spiked the ball down and broke her nose.

He had to take her to the emergency room, or course. When your wife is injured playing volleyball you have to take her to the EM. Even if you did it!!!!

PS.... Glad she wasn't my wife! Must have made for some interesting pillow talk....
Sorry for your accident. I've got a friend called Jack Daniels... Lemme know if you want to meet him!

I guess now that you are laid up, you can do another CSUSA Mini Group Buy!

Have a good week.

Jon,Who needs painkillers, just go to your local welding supply and get a big bottle of Nitrous Oxide, every-time the pain comes just suck a little down. If you have any left after you heal send it over, I can use it for my drag boat :biggrin:
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Ouch; hope it all goes well, and you heal fast. maybe you can have your son move your lathe by your chair so you can turn while the ankle is healing. Sounds like a fair trade for the pain and suffering for playing volleyball. :biggrin:
Dang!! Sorry to hear about your ankle. Hope you surgery goes well and your back on the court with your son by this time next year.

Let us know when the surgery is, You will definitely be in my prayers.
OUCH, Jon, I'm sorry to hear about this. I hope the surgery and healing goes well.

Oh, take a moment and re-read my advice from after you tore up your shoulder last year.:wink:
That sucks, Jon. Hope you get a cute nurse to help ease your pain. Good Luck.

Hey, if they have to put any pins in, get a couple extra, maybe you can use them for pen making.
Save all the bones they remove, grind em up and cast them into Pr for the limited edition "Jon Bone Zen Pen". All jokes aside get well soon Jon >>>>P.S. I second the cute nurse to help you get through all this :)
Hey, if they have to put any pins in, get a couple extra, maybe you can use them for pen making.

the plan is pretty cool...hopefully I get a picture to post....they are going to make a wire cage to hold the pieces onto the main bones since the breaks are too clean to provide a "friction fit" for pins...on the downside, they may have to do an "extra" surgery to remove the cage if it bothers after everything heals up....

Seriously, good luck and I hope everything goes well.

Remember we are a caring group. When I had my knee replaced, Lou cared so much he asked if he could have my old knee cap to make a desk set with!!
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