How do you choose your colors?

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May 16, 2011
Jennings, FL
I have all the stuff, made some molds out of cutting boards this weekend...

Got two cans of PR from Michael's. Got a Pearlex Series 2 color set also and some individual gold and red shiny colors.

So, do you have a pen design in mind and then you make the colors, or do you just decide what the hell, I'll mix fill in the blank.

I am going to try a scarlet/red and gold mix to make some USMC flavored pens - Orange and Blue to scratch my Gator itch.

Then what?
Most of the time I make them depending on what I am looking for at that particular time. I just mixed up some black/silver/pearl blanks for my step dad for a razor stand set. I have a difficult time locating matching blanks to make the brush so I make my own.

My wife also makes blanks. She is definitely more creative mixing the colors and making the colors work together. She just goes with what feels good at the time. Our daughter usually names the blanks for us. She comes up with some doosies for names.
I read that it's a good idea to keep records of when, how, and what you mixed and poured....

So that if you do something you don't like, you don't try it again. Or if you do something that's really cool, then you don't have to remember how you did it, because you kept notes.

Of course, now that I've said that, I'm the worst notetaker in the world. Or... at least, I'm the worst at writing legible, organized notes and remembering where I put them...
I'm usually going for a specific color in advance, so it's mostly a matter of matching that.

So I open my notes (a lot of which are online as my
Resin Color Library , find a color that's close and start tweaking.

If you're doing swirls, ribbons, etc, the data on gel times can be as important to make sure you don't end up with a useless blob in your cup.
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