How did I make do before?

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Jan 10, 2007
Monroe, Ohio, USA.
Well today I forgot my own pen at home. I'm at work and have to use a papermate. It is a frustrating experience compared to the smooth writing experience of my own pen. I can't believe i've become a pen snob so quickly! :biggrin:
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Been there. Last week I was driving to a meeting and realized my pen was at home. Tore the truck apart looking for a pen. Ended up at Office depot. Couldn't bring myself to buy a I bought a pencil....

It does not take long. I have a small rack on my desk with a few of my pens on display.

My co-workers think it is there to show off my hobby. The truth is it is there in case I get in a hurry and forget to pick up a pen before I leave home. (PLUS: It has generated a few sales.) :biggrin:
It's funny that you say that. Our office is full of Bic sticks. They are everywhere. Personally, I can't write with it. I even have gone so far as to make custom sleeves for them out of polymer clay and acrylic blanks, but still have a problem. I bring one of my along for the ride everywhere I go, it's a little beat up but I can always make another.
Speaking of beat up personal pens. My work pen is finally giving up after about 4 years of hard use. I make deliveries and repair equipment all day so my pen often gets knocked out of my pocket and bounces around on concrete floors, parking lots or even a few bounces down a stairway. It is made of Buffalo horn which I have decided to no longer use. this summer it developed a large crack the length of the barrel. this is after 4 years so I do not think horn ever stabilizes. The transmission gave up last winter and I have not bothered to replace it I just wedged it in the open position. The plating (satin nickle) and fittings are still going strong including the clip. this is a polaris style pen and holds up much better than the slim lines I have carried. the finish is still really good for what it has gone through. I'm thinking of taking it apart replacing the transmission and putting a new skin on it.
It does not take long. I have a small rack on my desk with a few of my pens on display.

My co-workers think it is there to show off my hobby. The truth is it is there in case I get in a hurry and forget to pick up a pen before I leave home. (PLUS: It has generated a few sales.) :biggrin:

Ditto! People don't realize that I make the pens. They always ask if I'm a pen collector.
I'm the same way. I've always got several of my own pens floating around my desk, plus one in my pocket. It's one of my early modified slimlines and the 24k plating has completely worn off. But I love writing with it, especially with a liquid silk refill.

I can't help but feel I'm pushing my pens, but I'm really not. I just hate "regular" pens.
I gave this pen made from the bark of an Australian Red Ironbark to our friend in Cape Coral , Fl. back in February . When we went back in June , I noticed he had this pen on the console in his Blazer . I was shocked to see the condition of the surface was almost gone . Beat up , and scratched up . But at least he's using it . I suppose some day , I'll have to take it apart and refinish it for him .


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I found that I could just grab one from any of the guys working with me, they all seem to have pens that look exactly like pens I have "misplaced".
I gave this pen made from the bark of an Australian Red Ironbark to our friend in Cape Coral , Fl. back in February . When we went back in June , I noticed he had this pen on the console in his Blazer . I was shocked to see the condition of the surface was almost gone . Beat up , and scratched up . But at least he's using it . I suppose some day , I'll have to take it apart and refinish it for him .
You should have taken it away and given him a Bic, and an empty Bic at that.
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