How about this avatar?

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Johnny, how dod you know that???

That picture is totally unrelated to I.C.P. but it is a wicked clown, which is what ICP are... I was trying to find a picture that hinted that i am a Juggalo without coming right out and saying it.

Yes, I am a big fan of I.C.P. (Insane Clown Posse for those of you that are interested) Their music is pretty cool.
Ok OK.... I get the feeling that nobody likes clowns anymore.:biggrin:

I am gonna shave my beard off later this morning so maybe i will update my avatar after that.
Please put the pussy back...ROFLMAO!! I cant take the clown

THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!!:biggrin::eek::biggrin:

I have been DYING to use this joke here, but never got the opportunity until now, and how fitting it is!!!!!!!! Thank you Toni for the opportunity!:wink:
Not my head man...... my BEARD. I am growing dreadlocks and they are infants (3 months without a comb!!)

Is that avatar ok??
Yes and no. I use Ivory bar soap to wash, and I have a locking spray that i use that has aloe and water. They are actually locking up really nicely! I have quite a few that are pretty much totally locked up.
The title of the thread was scary enough...

Actually, this latest edition of the photo/avatar looks like you should be a famous author or something...

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