Houston Bubbasville, December 16

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Group Buy Coordinator
Mar 4, 2005
Pearland, Texas, USA.
Checking the member map, I see that there are quite a few of us in the Houston area. Anyone up for a Houston Bubbasville meeting sometime in December?
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I live in South Louisiana and have travelled the six hour trip to Houston several times in the past for business and would more than likely be able to attend. It would be great to meet fellow IAP members and maybe learn a few new tricks and techniques.
Be sure and post when you plan on having this! If it's not the week of Dec 11th I'll bet I can fill my truck with Bubbasville members to head your way!
I'll go Ron, or take my vehicle too.

Originally posted by Ron Mc
<br />Mannie,
Be sure and post when you plan on having this! If it's not the week of Dec 11th I'll bet I can fill my truck with Bubbasville members to head your way!
SWMBO said that Dec 9 or 16 would be OK. Only thing is I'd have to get busy and clean up my shop,it's just a small one, 24'X24'[:D]
My place is just south of Houston in Pearland, about 8 miles south of Hobby airport.
Ron and Don, your drive would be about 4-5 hrs.
If neither of these dates work, we can shoot for sometime in January.
I'm in!! Let me know when and I'll be there! I am in Spring, but my boat is on Clear Lake so I am down your way often. I didn't know we were so close! Send me an email!
I can't give a date...my work schedule is erratic. I am on call nights and weekends, though the weekends are scheduled, they can be just a days notice.

Work it among the rest of the gang and I'll try my best to come [:)]
I'm thinking the 16th will work good for me. I need to get with Don to check his schedule.
I'll know more by the first of next week.
Originally posted by Ron Mc
<br />I'm thinking the 16th will work good for me. I need to get with Don to check his schedule.
I'll know more by the first of next week.

Ron, Will the 16th work?
It looks good! I'll either be coming in from Florida or Dallas but I'll be there.[:D][;)] Hold on a minute! Is there food involved?[:eek:)]
Originally posted by Ron Mc
<br />Mannie,
.....Hold on a minute! Is there food involved?[:eek:)]

YES. There will be food involved.
I'll probably grill up some burgers or something. Would just ask the you bring your own drinks.
I'll go ahead and start plans for Dec 16. Start time about 9-9:30 AM?
Post here if you plan on coming.
I should be able to make it. I'll bring a little bit of Cajun Boudin and hog head cheese. Should go good with those Texas burgers [:D].
unfortunately, i won't be able to make the 16th...i will be in, well lets just say the water in very close in all directions, pretty shade of blue, and the only place in the world you can get koa :)

i wish i could get down there for it :-(

y'all have fun and take plenty of pics!!

torne pluma...jeff c, in foat wuth
Looks like this is a go. I've heard from 3 or 4 that will attend. I'll start a list and get maps out sometime this week.
Please add me to your list. I'll be on my way to San Antonio that week to go fishing with a friend and should be able to make a pit stop.
Actually I'll be driving in from Florida. But if I see you on I10 with the thumb in the air I'll be sure and wave.[;)]
OK. I’ve got the following that are interested in the Houston Bubbasville on Dec 16.
Ron Mc
Jaseon F

I’ll get maps out by email sometime before Thanksgiving. If you didn’t email me already about attending, please do so as I have not been successful at sending attachments through the forum PM system.
If you name is not on the list, let me know and I’ll get you added.
I only have one lathe, a Jet 1236, so if anyone want to bring another, feel free to do so. I have plenty of room
(note to self: get the shop cleaned up), my shop is 24’X24’ with plenty of bench space.
If it’s not too early for those of you traveling, I’ll say we can start around 9-9:30 in the morning and go til ???
Like I said earlier, I’ll grill up some burgers (the night before so it won’t interrupt shop time) and I know my sweet loving MIL will make us some potateo salad and deviled eggs. Feel free to bring anything else if you want.
Also, please bring your own drinks.
LOML said to bring TLOYL along also.

Oh, and Dario, you offered to bring you mini, we don't want to see or use that, we want your new one.[}:)][}:)]
I'll be leaving Jacksonville, FL. Friday and will be in the Houston area on Saturday.
I never got an e-mail that gave directions.
Please understand that if I am just too tired after training all the new employees all week if I take another rought home.[8)]
BUT, Please e-mail me were you live!
Maps will go out via email on Wednesday. I meant to do it last week but got busy at work and didn't get to, then went off and left them on my desk. I'm off til Wednesday, so I'll get the map scanned in then and off to everyone by Wednesday afternoon.
I've had a sudden change of plans. The wife and I are going on a cruise that week...the price was too cheap to pass up. Have another in the spring and I'll be sure to make it.
Do a good turn daily!
Just sent maps to:
Rob Mc
Ron Mc

If you name is not on this list and you want to attend, shoot me an email so I can email you the map and directions.
As far as I'm concerned, we can start any time after 9AM and go til??? If you have a mini lathe and tools, you can bring them. I think I have a bearing going out in the reeves drive of my Jet, don't know if it will be fixed by then or not. If anyone has one of the infamous Paul Huffman Pen vises, feel free to bring it along also so those of us less fortunate can see what we are missing.
Food wise, I'll grill up some hamburgers, my MIL has graciously consented to make potato salad, deviled eggs, a lemon pie and a coconut pie. Please bring your own drinks and whatever else you would like.
Originally posted by Monty
<br />Just sent maps to:
Rob Mc
Ron Mc

If you name is not on this list and you want to attend, shoot me an email so I can email you the map and directions.
As far as I'm concerned, we can start any time after 9AM and go til??? If you have a mini lathe and tools, you can bring them. I think I have a bearing going out in the reeves drive of my Jet, don't know if it will be fixed by then or not. If anyone has one of the infamous Paul Huffman Pen vises, feel free to bring it along also so those of us less fortunate can see what we are missing.
Food wise, I'll grill up some hamburgers, my MIL has graciously consented to make potato salad, deviled eggs, a lemon pie and a coconut pie. Please bring your own drinks and whatever else you would like.

Here is the list of those that I have sent maps to so far. If your name is not on the list or you did not receive the maps, email me. BTW my email address has changed, it is now **woodenwonders@peoplepc.com*** (be sure to remove the *'s in the address).

Rob Mc
Ron Mc

Please be sure to confirm with me that you are attending so I know how much food to have.
Originally posted by Monty
<br />
Originally posted by Monty
<br />Just sent maps to:
Rob Mc
Ron Mc

If you name is not on this list and you want to attend, shoot me an email so I can email you the map and directions.
As far as I'm concerned, we can start any time after 9AM and go til??? If you have a mini lathe and tools, you can bring them. I think I have a bearing going out in the reeves drive of my Jet, don't know if it will be fixed by then or not. If anyone has one of the infamous Paul Huffman Pen vises, feel free to bring it along also so those of us less fortunate can see what we are missing.
Food wise, I'll grill up some hamburgers, my MIL has graciously consented to make potato salad, deviled eggs, a lemon pie and a coconut pie. Please bring your own drinks and whatever else you would like.

Here is the list of those that I have sent maps to so far. If your name is not on the list or you did not receive the maps, email me. BTW my email address has changed, it is now **woodenwonders@peoplepc.com*** (be sure to remove the *'s in the address).

Rob Mc
Ron Mc

Please be sure to confirm with me that you are attending so I know how much food to have.

Updated attendance list as of 12/04:
Rob Mc
Ron Mc

I would like to ask all that attend to bring one of your best/most unique pen blanks (not necessarily the most expensive)for a politically incorrectly named pen blank swap.

edit: And bring it wrapped so no one know what it is.
Originally posted by Monty
<br />
Originally posted by Monty
<br />
Originally posted by Monty
<br />Just sent maps to:
Rob Mc
Ron Mc

If you name is not on this list and you want to attend, shoot me an email so I can email you the map and directions.
As far as I'm concerned, we can start any time after 9AM and go til??? If you have a mini lathe and tools, you can bring them. I think I have a bearing going out in the reeves drive of my Jet, don't know if it will be fixed by then or not. If anyone has one of the infamous Paul Huffman Pen vises, feel free to bring it along also so those of us less fortunate can see what we are missing.
Food wise, I'll grill up some hamburgers, my MIL has graciously consented to make potato salad, deviled eggs, a lemon pie and a coconut pie. Please bring your own drinks and whatever else you would like.

Here is the list of those that I have sent maps to so far. If your name is not on the list or you did not receive the maps, email me. BTW my email address has changed, it is now **woodenwonders@peoplepc.com*** (be sure to remove the *'s in the address).

Rob Mc
Ron Mc

Please be sure to confirm with me that you are attending so I know how much food to have.

Updated attendance list as of 12/04:
Rob Mc
Ron Mc

I would like to ask all that attend to bring one of your best/most unique pen blanks (not necessarily the most expensive)for a politically incorrectly named pen blank swap.

edit: And bring it wrapped so no one know what it is.
Houston Bubbasville is this Saturday, Dec 16. Have sent maps to
Rob Mc
Ron Mc

There is still time to add your name to this list, just send me your email addy so I can send the map. If you already sent it and have not received a map, email me again as I just recently changed my ISP and email address and may have lost yours in the switch. If you did get a map and will not be able to attend, please let me know for food purposes.

I apologize but I can't make it. I have to be somewhere else thsi weekend.

I know you guys will have fun...do stay safe!
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