Houston Area Folks!

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Local Chapter Leader
Jan 8, 2009
Baytown, TX
In case you missed it, and I'm sorry I didn't post this sooner, there is a free Alumilite casting demo at Woodcraft Southwest tomorrow between 1 and 2.

I'm told there were several pressure pots and silicon molds in their playroom last Saturday which weren't there the week before, so it might be of interest!

Hope to see you all there! :cool:
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Missed your message. Darn, it would have been a good day to attend something like this. Out of the rain, etc.
Hey John, they did not mention another demo up north, sorry.

It was very basic, mostly letting everyone know they now carry Alumilite Crystal Clear in the stores, which is good to know!

I didn't price the gallons, but the quart pack of A & B was $25, FYI.

I did get to meet and recruit a couple of local folks to IAP...hopefully they'll show up soon! :biggrin:
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