History Chanell Program about wood

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Feb 19, 2007
Hi all,

I just caught the tail end of a program on The History Channel's "Modern Marvels" series called "The Lumberyard". The part I caught (about the last 60 seconds) they were harvesting some trees that had been buried in the earth for hundreds of years. Contact with water and other elements have changed the wood giving it a wonderful sheen and other properties not found in any other wood. They said that it sells for $25 to $125 per BF. The program is being rebroadcast later tonight at midnight MST. Perhaps worth a TIVO.
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I watched it last night... It talked about import, reclaimed woods, sunken and old barns ect. It was good... Much better then 90% of the junk on the TV.
This was the second or third time I had seen this particular Moderm Marvels program. Great show. If you get a chance, don't miss it. Even the dull sounding MM programs are very educational. I've learned more from watching them than I did in history call in HS.
I caught a little bit of it... Now set to record the whole thing next time it runs! I was thinking [:0] at oh-dark-thirty this morning, suppose someone bought that huge piece of lumber for a boardroom table. How the heck would you get it into the building, let alone the 52nd floor?
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