Highlights and Lowlights

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Feb 22, 2005
Being the year of 2008 is approaching it final days how did it go for you??? What are some of your highlights and lowlights??? Can be turning related and or whatever.
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High - Learning to turn. I've never been "good with my hands" so this has been a great new hobby for me.

Low - The stock market. Lost some money.
Low: Can't really think of any that were low for more then a day or two.

High: Getting my R.N. license and finding a good job that allows me to support my family and be able to help out those in need instead of being one of the ones in need.
Low: unemployed. Mother passing away Jan 3rd after being in the hospital over last Christmas. Son developing Type-1 Diabetes. Son rebelling and failing many classes. My father developing alzheimers.

High: ummmmmmmmmmm I guess the fact that I'm still alive is the high. I think.
LOw; cutting off two of my fingers and loosing my shop.

High waking up every morning with a great loving wife. that's hard to beat, the poor deluded woman's been doing it for 35 years and still hasn't learned.
High: 1. Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ in January. 2. My second grandson was born healthy in July. 3. I started my new WW'ing shop in September. 4. I am 60 years old, in very good health, take no medicines and do about anything I want and make enough money to keep my bills paid. 5. Have a family that I love and that loves me.

Low: Continuing to see people that will not accept responsibility for their actions and expect the Government or someone to take care of their needs. :bad:
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