Triple Crown
My sons and I love making pens together. I am so glad I learned about this site! We wanted to do some snakeskin pens and it was through an internet search for snakeskin blanks that I eventually ended up seeing Curtis's Alumilite You Tube video. Immediately became interested in casting and even contacted Curtis and Alumilite with questions. It was really great talking with Curtis. And it was Carol from Alumilite that actually steered me to IAP (letting me know that I could get a 20% discount in February if I became a member). I have been consumed with IAP and all the pens and information since! Having a lot of fun doing the trivia contest, and the people sure are great! I'm about to post an entry in the Frankenpen contest but need to figure out the pictures stuff. I'm a newbie when it comes to forums so I have a lot to learn all around. Looking forward to continuing the learning and contributing what I can.