My name is Tony, my wife and I moved to Brisbane Australia from Scotland back in 1982, we have since raised two sons here in Brisbane who are now full time life guards living on the GoldCoast/Surfers Paradise.
With my sons away from home I have so much more time on my hands at the weekends so it was time to find something else to do with all this time that I never had.
So I have set up an area in my garage along side my CnC and table saw for a lathe and have started making pens. Well, in a week or two I have become totally addicted to pen turning. I get great enjoyment out of hunting down and sourcing unusual pen blanks which I am starting to build a nice little collection of but have not turned any of these yet, but looking forward to in the very near future. The pens shown below are ones made in the last week or two and were my very first pens ever made.
I am looking to get into all types of pen making ie. acrylics, timber, decals and so on, so I will be looking for all the help and advice I can get along the way. I will be scouring these forms for ideas and advice so if you see me around please feel free to say "Gidday"
My name is Tony, my wife and I moved to Brisbane Australia from Scotland back in 1982, we have since raised two sons here in Brisbane who are now full time life guards living on the GoldCoast/Surfers Paradise.
With my sons away from home I have so much more time on my hands at the weekends so it was time to find something else to do with all this time that I never had.
So I have set up an area in my garage along side my CnC and table saw for a lathe and have started making pens. Well, in a week or two I have become totally addicted to pen turning. I get great enjoyment out of hunting down and sourcing unusual pen blanks which I am starting to build a nice little collection of but have not turned any of these yet, but looking forward to in the very near future. The pens shown below are ones made in the last week or two and were my very first pens ever made.
I am looking to get into all types of pen making ie. acrylics, timber, decals and so on, so I will be looking for all the help and advice I can get along the way. I will be scouring these forms for ideas and advice so if you see me around please feel free to say "Gidday"