I got the Cummins several months ago and couldn't be happier with it. Like others said, most of them in this price range are made by the same factory in China with only a few small differences. At the time I bought, the Cummins had the most accessories included in the price. Be prepared to spend about another $100 in tools and other accessories. I was able to use all my ER32 collets from the Beall chick, but did need a 3 MT holder - from ebay. If you can grind your own tools (alot easier than I thought) you can get blanks from Enco for less than $1 each. The things that didn't come with the lathe that I use the most often are the collet chuck, the tools (although a starter set is included), a band saw (hack saw gets old but will work), and an air compressor to clean up.