Hey Guys, Starting to jump back in

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Sep 5, 2008
Franklin, GA
Just saying hey to everybody. As some of you know, we had a new baby about 2 months ago, and since then I haven't actually had time to do much lathe or pen work. Well the baby's finally starting to sleep enough that I can go through the day without feeling like a zombie, so I'm starting to get back to turning stuff. Nothing to show at the moment, but I hope to order some supplies and get back to pens. Between doctors and nurses, I've given away most of my pen stash, so its time to restock.
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"Welcome back", Ben!

First thing to learn about babies is that they wake up and fuss in the middle of the night, but if you leave them alone for a few minutes, they go back to sleep! We used to get up whenever the first baby made a sound, but let the second kid go back to sleep - if we knew then what we know now...

Hope to see you in September.

Ben who? Just kidding, good to see you peeking at the website. We look forward to seeing you in September!

Need any help with that walnut yet? LOL.....

Great to see you back Ben . Babies can be lots of fun and very time consuming but enjoy every minute of it , all too soon they become teenagers and you pull out any hair you have left on your head .
I figured I better get to making some pens. The bash is only about 6 months away, and I don't get to enter the newbie contest this year :eek:. I need to get some practice.

Good to see the old gang's still around. I didn't realize how much I missed you guys.

Great to see you back Ben . Babies can be lots of fun and very time consuming but enjoy every minute of it , all too soon they become teenagers and you pull out any hair you have left on your head .

Having raised 5 children to adulthood and now 4 grandchildren to adulthood, there is one important lesson I have learned. The really smart people of the world raise pigs instead of children. Then when they grow up and create problems, they just kill them and eat them.
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