On Tuesday night the local Cub Scout troop, run by a Friend of mine, visited my shop so they could work on their "Pine Box Derby" cars. First I gave them a tour and explained how all the tools in the shop work. We first talked about safety, like Norm says, "there is no more important rule,,,, than to ware these,,,, safety glasses". We talked about other safety issues also, saw safety, push sticks, dust safety and so forth.
The main reason for the visit was to work on their cars. We had them draw their designs on the sides of their blocks of wood. Then I cut them out for them on the band saw. That was kind of cheating, they are supposed to cut them out themselves, but they still get to sand, shape, paint and detail them with stickers. So they still get to learn things for them selves. Also, they each watched me cut their cars out.
The derby is coming up in February, and I hope to attend.
The main reason for the visit was to work on their cars. We had them draw their designs on the sides of their blocks of wood. Then I cut them out for them on the band saw. That was kind of cheating, they are supposed to cut them out themselves, but they still get to sand, shape, paint and detail them with stickers. So they still get to learn things for them selves. Also, they each watched me cut their cars out.
The derby is coming up in February, and I hope to attend.