Help finding an acrylic "fire" or "flame" blank

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Jun 21, 2010
Indianapolis, IN
I have a few fellow firefighters that have expressed interest in a pen resembling a fire, flame or a burning look. I see where woodturningz has a blank called inferno. Any other suggestions as to what would be a nice blank? I would love to see some pictures as well. Thanks
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I know there is a lazer blank that looks like a flame on old hot rods.
Jeff Powell does some really great scroll work on acrylics for flame blanks. They are sold at I believe most of them have a dragon or a skull in them however. Maybe if you ask nicely you can get some made with just flames?
We show the Kallenshaan kit for the sierra, Dawn says she also has some Jr gent that are not up yet. Also, Jeff Powells blanks are very dramatic. Both are shown on the site--feel free to PM if you want further info or if you are looking for quite a few, we can talk with Jeff about just flames---he's pretty easy to get along with!!!

Hope this helps!!
Yes, Dawn has some acrylic Flame blanks, whether on the site or not, and they are just Flame blanks with no dragons or skulls or anything else like that...there is still some on the site, green tops and purple tops I think , but she also has a few unposted ones, black on top I believe. They are designed for JR Gent size caps, but if you drill it just right and keep an eye on it as you turn it, I've seen lots of people spin them down much smaller into sierra's for sure.
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