Help finding a pen picture...

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Sep 30, 2005
Gilbert, Az
I saw a picture of a pen someone did, didn't get a copy on the computer.
Now I have to show someone... but I can't remember who did the pen... or when.

This pen was an "accident" and it ended up looking like a woman's chest.

A friend is a plastic surgeon, and I would love to show him the picture.

Help me find it?
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It was Angela (Angboy) Boykin who turned that pen IIRC. And I think she called it Lola.

Found it.

Edited to correct Angela's last name. My sincere apologies, Angela! I knew better, I just screwed up.
Originally posted by angboy
<br />Yes, Lola was a pen I made, thanks for posting the link Billy! She was quite popular!

Lola and my BUFFING SHAFT now that's 'food for thought', what a finish. Breast (er, I mean best)finish in town.

Hrmmmm....I realllly don't see it [woman's chest]. Either I don't get out enough - or you guys don't get out much.

But it's a nice pen. I make several pens for an OT company and they have me make several odd shapes like this for people with hand/wrist/joint issues.

look to the left and immediate right of the lower barrel of the pen. LOLA is literally "popping" out of her(in)seam.

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