Hello from Texas

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Jun 2, 2016
Bridgport, TX
I am a fairly new turner. I live in North Texas near Fort Worth. I have made a few pens and enjoy making them but to be honest I do more bowls and things than I do pens. I have made several pens form some special woods that I have collected and given them to friends. I guess all in all I have made 30 to 40 pens, so I am still learning.
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Welcome from the Houston area, Wade.

We have a wide range of turners here and there are a number of others who turn mostly other things. You can post photos of our bowls and other things in the "Other Things We Make" Forum.

Be sure to post some pen photos in the "Show Off Your Pens" Forum (SOYP) - you will automatically be entered into our monthly SOYP prize drawing for new members.

Welcome from western New York. In 8 years I've only made about 150 pens. I make more 'other things' such as bottle stoppers, bowls, lidded boxes etc.
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