Hello from Oregon!

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Jan 10, 2012
Beaverton Oregon
Hello everybody...My name is Rick ...and I'm a "Pen - a - holic" LOL ..I've always collected pens on business trips...so it's a natural progression to start turning pens!

I've procured a lathe and awaiting pen kits and wood to arrive from PSI.

Question: I'm allergic to CA from my RC airplane building days...so I'm looking into non CA finishes...such as Triple EEE polish and Friction sealers...

What are recommendations for an easy non CA finish that durable for wood pens? A "one" item system would be great.

Thanks !
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Welcome from Michigan.

I heard someone (here?) say they were working on using automotive clear coat. No info on whether ir works or not. Worth a try? BTW, I've also developed a CA allergy. I use a canister respirator and it seems to work well.
Welcome. I'm actually in WA, just north of Portland, where in OR are you located? For a non-CA finish I'm a big fan of HUT Crystal Coat. Easy to apply, looks good. True it does not offer the durability of CA, or a glossy, still it's been my experience that not everyone cares for high-gloss. I like CA finishes as well, still for non-CA I'll almost always bend to the HUT.
Welcome Richard, from far west Kentucky, to the addiction, sometimes referred to as the vortex. Be sure to give the library a good bit of time. The link is at the top of the page. You will find an article called Library Index. This covers tutorials on about anything pen making you can think of. You will also notice that there are articles listed by year. Much good info there as well. When these fail to answer your questions, by all means post it here. I have never seen one go unanswered very long. You might also want to give this thread a good look. It has some very good info for the beginning pen turner; http://content.penturners.org/library/general_reference/Getting_started_in_pen_turning.pdf. Grab some wood, make some shavings and have fun all the while being safe.
On the finish, there has been some work on a Plexiglass finish. Dissolve Plexiglass in Acetone and apply it to the sanded blank. I, personally, have had very limited success, spell that zero, with this as of yet, but others have had great succcess. You can ask questions about this and search it here.
Welcome Richard! I have always been suspect of one step finishes. (Probably to old school.) Many woods need a sealer then some sort of top coat. Shellac is a good sealer. Then go to lacquer or any of the poly finishes.
Thanks everybody for the warm welcome to this site!
I'm located in Beaverton Oregon.

I will be organizing my woodworking shop with all the new tools procured, and will try a couple of finishing techniques on wood ....BLO/CA and the friction polish Walnut oil / Caranuba wax / Shellac finish ...

My goal is to try to stay away from CA as it causes a sore throat and stuffy sinuses ( Model RC airplane building)
Thanks everybody for the warm welcome to this site!
I'm located in Beaverton Oregon.

I will be organizing my woodworking shop with all the new tools procured, and will try a couple of finishing techniques on wood ....BLO/CA and the friction polish Walnut oil / Caranuba wax / Shellac finish ...

My goal is to try to stay away from CA as it causes a sore throat and stuffy sinuses ( Model RC airplane building)

I am across the river in Woodland, WA, come to Beaverton often. If you are interested in getting together let me know.
Hi Rick, welcome from the southern shore of Lake Erie. I vacationed in Portland in September. Had a great time and I'll definitely be going back.

I've seen a lot of posts lately from people with CA sensitization... we need a "non CA finishing FAQ" Somebody get busy!

I have used spray lacquer (Deft) with some success, but a glossy finish without CA eludes me still.
From all the reading I've done...the Walnut Oil/Carnauba Wax /Shellac friction wood turning finish looks like a CA alternative...

DW Walnut Oil/Carnauba Wax /Shellac Woodturning Finish

High Build Friction Polish & Walnut Oil/Carnauba Wax and Shellac Overview - YouTube

I used the Walnut Oil/Wax/Shellac finish on a carry pen that I have been using for a couple months now and it still looks good. Not quite the high gloss that you get with CA but a more natural looking finish.
I went to woodcrafters today and perfect timing...they put on a pen making demo ..and they finished the pen with the walnut oil / Carnauba wax / shellac friction finish....looked good !
I went to woodcrafters today and perfect timing...they put on a pen making demo ..and they finished the pen with the walnut oil / Carnauba wax / shellac friction finish....looked good !

are they carrying the product?

Yes...they are carrying the full line of products. It was great to see pen blanks in stock and sample turnings of each on display. Also they have a great pen display so you can see what your buying. They were unfortunately out of stock of the 3/4" barrel trimming kit, but I purchased a good 7mm drill bit, 5 min epoxy and $.99 wood blanks.

Now the long wait for on line purchases from PSI to arrive. In the mean time I will procure a drill press and organize my shop.
while there may be no "dumb" questions, all one has to do is listen to politicians and you'll hear many a dumb answer

Welcome!! It's great to see another Oregonian around here, I used to live in Beaverton but Live down In Junction City now, Let me know if i can help in anyway!!

Welcome!! It's great to see another Oregonian around here, I used to live in Beaverton but Live down In Junction City now, Let me know if i can help in anyway!!

actually I like your HF quote regarding failure. The one I grew up with and have passed on to my sons is:

"Failure is nothing more than a self-imposed limitation"
Welcome from CALIF. My brother-in-law lives in Beaverton, my son has some property in Claskanie, so we come up there several times a year. Will get your address the next time we come up and say howdy. If you would like some blanks to start off with I will put together a small box of maybe 20 you can make some sawdust out of. FREE of course. Just send me your mailing address. Frank
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