Hello from North Carolina

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Sep 24, 2024
Denton, North Carolina
Hello pen makers.

I would like to introduce myself to the community. Let's start with a little background. I'm a medically retired mechanical engineer, was a professor at the end of my career. I started as an apprentice pattern maker, moved into tool design utilizing CAD and transitioned into design engineering. This life experience kept me around machine tools and woodworking tools through-out my adult life.

I'm a bilateral below knee amputee (since 2017/18), and due to arthritis in my right knee have been restricted to a wheel chair for the last two and half years. I wanted to get back into creating, at first I was considering building furniture, but that is proving to be a stretch. I don't function on a regular schedule so I've been looking at lathe work, due to its flexibility, time wise. I've been engrossing myself in turned content and enjoying most of it. Along those lines of chosen pen making a apart of my chosen craft.

I just purchased a new Grizzly T259w6 10x18 variable speed lathe and tooling to get started with. Other than pens I plan on turning lathe boxes, small bowls, candle holders,.... I look forward to sharing and learning from this community. My perusal of the contents do far are very encouraging.

As a side not my dms are always open. I'm interested in meeting others in my neck of the woods and am always willing to discuss about the craft and the challenges of being in a wheelchair.

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