Hello from Indianapolis

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Aug 5, 2024
I have joined in the search of improving my finishing and quality of pen kits. I have made over 30 pens and have learned quite a bit over the time. Now I want to make a more professional product. I'm not selling anything yet but may once I am happy with my product. I have used different friction polishes but don't think the finish will last. I have used ca glue but it is plastic. Wipe on poly was ok. Lately I have been spraying four coats of lacquer. It still has wood feel and should be durable. Any suggestions are very welcome. Next to figure out is quality pen hardware. Thanks
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Welcome to the forum. There are a number of ways to finish wood blanks. Ask questions, the members are more than willing to share with you.
Greetings from Nebraska. You will find members here that range from very beginners to seasoned experts. I've used some commercial "friction polishes" that I have been very happy with. There was a recent post where I put up pictures of a keychain that I finished with Doctor's Woodshop Pens Plus more than two years ago along with pictures of it now after 2+ years of being carried around and used on a daily basis. No finish will hold up forever and in my opinion, some signs of wear from usage just adds character. Welcome to the IAP community. - Dave
Welcome to IAP. The Indianapolis area has a few great pen turners and professionals if I remember correctly.

Finish, wood feel can be done with BLO (Boiled Linseed Oil) or Tung oil and other finishes. Tung Oil is the best against water protection. But pure tung oil takes a couple of weeks to cure. Urushi (a Japanese lacquer) from Japan is another finish that takes 2 weeks to a month to properly cure.

A secret to poly finishes and lacquer finishes is to let it cure which is 24 to 48 hours or more after it hardens. That curing time often makes a big difference. By the way, CA can be sanded with 4000 MM or the equivalent of 600 sandpaper to knock the shine off and give it more of wood tactile feel.
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