Hello from Illinois!

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Jul 1, 2011
Homer Glen, IL
I joined several months ago and finally getting around to writing. I am a retired accountant with a pen addiction. I have turned for several years and am getting into segmented pieces. From what I have seen on this site I have a long way to go. Gene
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Welcome from the Hampton Roads Area of Virginia. Good Luck. I think I have a ways to go sometimes, also. But, there's some much out there to try. I think the hardest part is trying to focus on one thing long enough. So many awesome bright shiny objects here!
Welcome Gene, from far west Kentucky, to the addiction, sometimes referred to as the vortex. Be sure to give the library a good bit of time. The link is at the top of the page. You will find an article called Library Index. This covers tutorials on about anything pen making you can think of. You will also notice that there are articles listed by year. Much good info there as well. When these fail to answer your questions, by all means post it here. I have never seen one go unanswered very long. You might also want to give this thread a good look. It has some very good info for the beginning pen turner; http://content.penturners.org/library/general_reference/Getting_started_in_pen_turning.pdf. Grab some wood, make some shavings and have fun all the while being safe.
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