Hello from Carsonville, Pa

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May 30, 2011
Carsonville, Pa
Just wanted to say hello. My name is Derrick, I am a rookie to pen turning, and would consider myself to be an advanced rookie to turning in general. I started out turning turkey calls & strikers, then eventually moved on to other "barrell" styled calls such as crow, squirell, and deer calls. Eventually it was time to try something new so I started making a couple of small bowls here & there. Making pens was something that I started getting interested in but would always say "Yeah, I'll get around to it some day." Well that day finally came the weekend before mothers day, when my local woodcraft store was having pen turning demos where you pay for the materials and the guys in the store assisted you in making a pen. Since then I have only made one pen, but I do have the bug now, I did stop at woodcraft on my way home tonight, and I am heading out to the shed here shortlyto make some more.
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Welcome Derrick,

This can be a very satisfying hobby. Fits right in with your other projects. Where is Carsonville? I grewup in western Pa,(Clarion). Anywhere close?

Welcome from Wichita Falls, TX. This is an excellent source of information on penturning, it will draw you in and swallow you up! LOL, dont hesitate to check out the tutorial section also, lots of great info in there as well!
Welcome from balmy Houston,Tx. This hobby sure is addictive but you're at the right place to learn all there is to know about penturning.

Thank you all for the all of the welcomes.

Welcome Derrick,

This can be a very satisfying hobby. Fits right in with your other projects. Where is Carsonville? I grewup in western Pa,(Clarion). Anywhere close?


No, Carsonville is about a half an hour north of Harrisburg. Carsonville is more of an area than a town. My official address is Halifax, but I live 7.5 miles east of that town out in the middle of nowhere.

Welcome Derrick! I'm just north of Harrisburg PA.

I've been fighting an acrylic for several days now.

Where at just north of the burg?
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