Greetings from the heartland (Kansas)! I am brand new to the forum, having discovered it through browsing the internet a couple of days ago. I was hoping to find a site that would help me learn more about pen turning. Looks like I hit the jackpot here.
I have to tell you how impressed I am with this site - my compliments to the moderators! A thankless job, but clearly one that you folks take seriously. You truly have put together a fantastic site with more information than I will ever be able to take in.
I suppose I will be sucked into spending time here like I have been in the hobby!
Well, just wanted to say hi and thanks. I look forward to learning a lot from a whole lot of people here that know more than I do.
I have to tell you how impressed I am with this site - my compliments to the moderators! A thankless job, but clearly one that you folks take seriously. You truly have put together a fantastic site with more information than I will ever be able to take in.
I suppose I will be sucked into spending time here like I have been in the hobby!
Well, just wanted to say hi and thanks. I look forward to learning a lot from a whole lot of people here that know more than I do.