Hello - and a question, if I might

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Jun 15, 2012
Just saying hi. My name is Randy Ferrance, I live near Richmond, VA, and I have been a pen fan for many years - and have spent way too much money on nice pens. I had an uncle who turned pens and when he died, I bought his Delta Midi lathe and his left over supplies from my Aunt. Best fun I have ever had. I've made a dozen or so pens so far, using different kits and different woods - and even one acrylic. I've already learned a lot from lurking on the forum and ordered some pen blanks from two of the guys on here. Seems like a great community, and I appreciate all the tips and the willingness of everyone to help newbies.

Now the question: As a long-time pen snob, I've grown rather fond of my Mont Blancs, and the pens I make for myself I would like to use Mont Blank RB refills in. Are there any particular pen kits that you guys know of off hand that will accept the MB RB refills? If not, I'll just keep experimenting, but I figured I'd try and tap into the collective genius. Thank you.
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Most of the RB kits that I've seen used Schmidt cartridges.

Here's a link to a site the lists specifications for a variety of BP, FP and RB refills: Refill Size Guide

The key point is that the Montblanc RB seems to be a bit longer than the standard Schmidt RB.

That's not necessarily a showstopper - most RB kits include a spring that is used to press the refill toward the working end of the pen, so it would not surprise me if you could use a refill that is slightly longer than the refill that came with the kit. The key thing is that the nib end of the refill must fit through the hole in the nib end of the finished pen.

Worst case is that you might have to modify the kit a bit - perhaps use a slightly longer tube, and make the barrel a bit longer.

Why don't you experiment and report your findings?

BTW - I'm an FP person and used a Montblanc for many years. But I found that it needed to be returned to the factory for a tuneup about every 18 months. Eventually, I concluded that it made no economic sense to buy a very expensive pen, and then regularly send it away for expensive repairs. so I switched to cheap Chinese pens, and later, to pens made from kits. Montblanc looks nice, but in my opinion, the only justification for them is the vanity factor.
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Welcome to the IAP. We have a local pen group that meets at the WoodCraft store in Richmond on the second Thursday bi-monthly. We will be meeting on July 12 at 7:00. A member attending, may have an answer your question.
Send me a PM and I will give you the program schedule.

Bill Sampson, Richmond
Welcome from Alaska

First tip from me?.........."Kits are a starting point NOT the end! Modifying them is a long tradition" Let us know what you come up with!
Welcome to IAP.

And as far as your question: Almost anything can be accomplished either by modifying a kit, or going completely kitless. It's not as difficult making a kitless pen as you might think. Although it does take more time, and some planning. My 54th pen was my 1st kitless, and I modified many pens before that. If I can do it, I think anyone with average wood turning skills can do it.
Welcome from Oakton! I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. I'm glad that you were able to pick up where he left off and continue the hobby. It is a fun one.
I've used the Mont Blanc refills in several of my pens. I BELIEVE that any of the rollerballs that use the Schmidt refills can also use the Mont Blanc, BUT you will probably need to trim some of the plastic off the back end of the refill. I've used my sander as well as a utility knife to do this, either will work. I know there's a video on Youtube showing how to use a Mont Blanc refill in a Pilot G2 pen. If you find that video, you will see what I mean about trimming the refill. I'm currently working on a "kitless" rollerball pen to house a Mont Blanc refill. They write nice and smooth, better than anything else I've used.
Welcome from Florida.

Where can you get the Mount Blanc refills?
I am generally unhappy with kit refills as some are good and some ball up ink on them.
Richmond has a Chapter that meets at the local Woodcrafters every other month. In fact they are meeting this Thursday the 12th at 7pm. You are welcome to attand. It is very informal and they do demostrations at the meetings. Very friendly envirorment.
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