Just saying hi. My name is Randy Ferrance, I live near Richmond, VA, and I have been a pen fan for many years - and have spent way too much money on nice pens. I had an uncle who turned pens and when he died, I bought his Delta Midi lathe and his left over supplies from my Aunt. Best fun I have ever had. I've made a dozen or so pens so far, using different kits and different woods - and even one acrylic. I've already learned a lot from lurking on the forum and ordered some pen blanks from two of the guys on here. Seems like a great community, and I appreciate all the tips and the willingness of everyone to help newbies.
Now the question: As a long-time pen snob, I've grown rather fond of my Mont Blancs, and the pens I make for myself I would like to use Mont Blank RB refills in. Are there any particular pen kits that you guys know of off hand that will accept the MB RB refills? If not, I'll just keep experimenting, but I figured I'd try and tap into the collective genius. Thank you.
Now the question: As a long-time pen snob, I've grown rather fond of my Mont Blancs, and the pens I make for myself I would like to use Mont Blank RB refills in. Are there any particular pen kits that you guys know of off hand that will accept the MB RB refills? If not, I'll just keep experimenting, but I figured I'd try and tap into the collective genius. Thank you.