Heat Gun - Solder Rework Station

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Jul 17, 2017
Bristow, IN
My is starting to do a lot of resin work in her craft and jewelry line. Initially we bought her a small butane torch from Lowe's to help her with bubbles and such in her resin. Obviously the flame of even a small torch gets quite hot, so she suggested a heat gun may work better for her. After trying my heat gun from the shop (min 900 F) with a large blower she showed me some "craft" models. Typically 200-350 F with small blower in handle, many cute colors for $10-$30. Not very well made or durable looking.

So, after doing some research I ordered her what is called a "Rework Station" for soldering. The same basic unit is available under many different resellers, all made in China. The design is primarily to help with removal of modern electronic and surface mount components.

This model was $40, adjustable temperature between 100-500 C with a variable speed blower. Automatic cool down/Heat up based on the handheld unit being on or off the cradle. Actually, nicer than I expected.

Figures I would pass it on for this who may need a similar heat tool. The max blower is much lower than a large unit-so it will not blow resin around as muchand seems to work well.
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Thank you for posting this.

I take it that this is basically a "hot air gun" rather than a soldering iron .... would that be correct ?
Correct. It is a hot air gun with a blower built into the handle and temperature controlled with PID loop (feedback to maintain a more constant temperature). The one we purchased cam with 3 nozzles to concentrate the hot air. Jennifer likes the control the mid sized one gives her.
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