Healthy people and birdseye maple...

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Sorry, but that is bogus. 1) There is no such bug as the Kentucky curved carapace beetle (Ignus veritas curvitus tata); 2) a carapace is a shell, like a turle shell; 3) there is no Cody Lewcypher, director of “The†Ohio State University forestry research department; 4) there is no Quaking Bottoms Campus; and so on and so on and...
John, I subsribe to that too and frequently download the free plans. Did you look at them? They are nothing more than optical illusions that most of us have seen before set up to look like plans. This entire edition is one big April Fools joke. Needless to say, I wasn't amused.:(
I was almost pulled in but then I asked myself how could the Kentucky bug make it's way all the way up here. Then I started to read the other stories and ROTFLMAO - again!
“This is not the first time healthy eating and exercise have led to tragic results,†said Ima Plumper, spokesperson for the Syrup Producers of America Zoological Organization (SPAZO). “This is not our problem.â€

As a result, SPAZO is calling for increased insecticide use to solve the bug attacks. But without the beetles, there will be no more bird's-eye maple.

Spazo, Ima Plumper?

I like the Ima Plumper response, "This is not the first time healthy eating and exercise have led to tragic results,†said Ima Plumper," was kind of funny. [:eek:)][:eek:)]
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