I am leaving in the morning for a week in Meridian Idaho taking care of the 3 grandkids while mom has training in Denver and dad is working at China Lake Naval Wepons Center in CAlif. This time I am taking my Pen Turning tools so I have something to do during the day. The kids attend Boys and Girls club activities during the day so I have some time for myself.
Have a bunch of Constant's kits to do and a couple of Toni's tubes to do. Bringing the lathe and cabinet, bench top bandsaw, the sharpener and disk belt sander. also all the tools, glue, and finishing material I might need. Luckily there is a Woodcraft nearby if I forget any thing. Hope it isn't too hot their. Supposed to be 100F here tomorrow. Will also be looking at property in case LOML decides she has had enough in California, I have been ready to go for the last 5 years.
Have a bunch of Constant's kits to do and a couple of Toni's tubes to do. Bringing the lathe and cabinet, bench top bandsaw, the sharpener and disk belt sander. also all the tools, glue, and finishing material I might need. Luckily there is a Woodcraft nearby if I forget any thing. Hope it isn't too hot their. Supposed to be 100F here tomorrow. Will also be looking at property in case LOML decides she has had enough in California, I have been ready to go for the last 5 years.