Have Lathe Will Travel

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Sep 3, 2007
Sacramento, CA, USA.
I am leaving in the morning for a week in Meridian Idaho taking care of the 3 grandkids while mom has training in Denver and dad is working at China Lake Naval Wepons Center in CAlif. This time I am taking my Pen Turning tools so I have something to do during the day. The kids attend Boys and Girls club activities during the day so I have some time for myself.
Have a bunch of Constant's kits to do and a couple of Toni's tubes to do. Bringing the lathe and cabinet, bench top bandsaw, the sharpener and disk belt sander. also all the tools, glue, and finishing material I might need. Luckily there is a Woodcraft nearby if I forget any thing. Hope it isn't too hot their. Supposed to be 100F here tomorrow. Will also be looking at property in case LOML decides she has had enough in California, I have been ready to go for the last 5 years.
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Tuesday is fishing day the rest of the week they have activites planned, so I have from 8:30am to 4 pm all to myself. Hopefully I can get out of there early evening Thursday evening, there is a 1 hr time difference so if I can leave by 5pm Idaho time I can be home around midnight on the 1st and beat some of the holiday traffic over the Sierras. 550.8 miles, 8hrs 45min actual.driving time. When I do this by myself don't stop much. Truck is all pack and ready. 75mph execpt in Oregon, they still have 55mph speed limit.
China Lake, poor guy. The only action around their is Ridgecrest. They pull up the sidewalks at 5:00. They do, however, have BBQ restaurants where you pick your steak and grill it yourself.
China Lake, poor guy. The only action around their is Ridgecrest. They pull up the sidewalks at 5:00. They do, however, have BBQ restaurants where you pick your steak and grill it yourself.

WOW!!!! You won't believe this, but I have that same arrangement on my deck!!!!

So you're up in our neck of the woods! How cool! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun. And in case you do decide to look for a place to buy, remember that there's a lot more to Idaho than just Boise! ;-)

Have a great time!

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