Has something Changed

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Feb 22, 2008
Allendale, Michigan USA.
Is there a way to change the size of the text on the IAP Forum. I don't know if it is my eyes or if something in my setting has changed. It seems to be smaller. Something did change on my Comp. so I had to change REZ and the font size but it doesn't change the IAP. Thanks for some help, if there is any. RichB
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I change it all the time, press ALT down and use the + sign, the font enlarges and the format adjusts to fit the screen.

ALT and - reduces it.

IF your format does not change, try changing your browser Firefox and IE react a little differently from each other--sometimes one works better or worse--I have no idea why.
I was using Mozilla but one night all the links at the top right now cover the login area so I can't login so I had to change browsers. I now use Google Chrome to login to IAP.
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