Roll the film of the old Lays' Commercial here-
Betcha can't cast just one (two).
As for what to use for pigments:
Do you want a metallic / pearl look, or a solid color?
If you want metallic/pearl: Get some Pearl-Ex from Michaels.
You might want to spend some time browsing my
Resin Color Library to get ideas on how much pigment to add. Pearl-ex, in my experience, tends to make fairly transparent blanks- so you may need to paint your tubes one color and use an opaque recipe for the other color.
Or: you could have any of several people here (including myself, Jeff in Indiana, or others) make you the blanks for a reasonable cost - unless you're planning on making more blanks, in which case investing in more pigments shouldn't be a concern.
Anyone who has an old bookmark to the library should check that it only goes to the front page- I redid it a while back so it's searchable, but only if you use the new version.
Finally- if you get colors you like (or even ones you don't) the library can always use more recipes. Honestly I think some of the best data in there isn't the color info (monitor differences and scanner accurracy affect that), but the info on transparency, gel time vs catalyst and temp, etc.