hardwood sawdust

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Jun 22, 2007
Rosinton, Alabama, USA.
Does anyone know where to purchase some hardwood sawdust. (Dont want to try sweeping up from the shop floor and seperating it from the non-hardwood:rolleyes:)
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If you don't need a lot, a jointer and a hunk of the hardwood of your choice would make good dent in however much you need... just out of curiosity, what do you need Hardwood sawdust for and how much do you need?
If you need larger amounts, maybe check with a local sawmill.

I saw a mill outside of Elverson that had piles of sawdust sitting around. They compressed it and sold fire logs. I think they used it for the cows too. I saw some piled out by the barn that looked "used".
I just started tanning a snake hide and one of the steps(optional) was to keep it in a bag of hardwood sawdust, completely covered, turning over and shaking it up every day for ten days. Supposed to make it more supple. Says only hardwood with less than 20% shavings. Thought maybe someone had seen some somewhere like Lowes or someplace.
What kind of hardwood sawdust do you need and how small of sawdust? I have a 50 gallon drum from my cyclone that is almost full and needs to be emptied. If you need fine dust, I can sift it for you and send you as small as you want or as big as you want. Most of what I have in there right now is Ipe which is about as hard as it comes! Let me know what you want and I will send you some for the cost of shipping.
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