Harbor Freight Sale

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Just notice a Harbor Freight Labor day sale. The pressure pot is 59.99. Now all I need to do is find a coupon.


Check out Sears.....I was there the other day (walking around....window shopping) and saw their pressure pot and if I'm not mistaken it was on sale for $24.95! I'll check again today as I have to go pick up my weed eater.....it stopped eating weeds!!! LOL

You never know what you'll find......so don't exclude them from your shopping!

I checked their website also and it was listed at $109......went back and looked again (when I went to pick up the weed eater) and there is sat in all its glory.........@ $109. Looks like it was missing the shelf tag last time and it was sitting over the price of the portable air tank (that wasnt' there). Now it has its own shelf tag and the portable air tank is there now. BUMMER!!!

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