Happy Independence Day!

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
I hope you all spend the day doing whatever it is you like to do most. Whether it be family, friends, picnics, turning, fireworks or something else, enjoy the day!

I just took a look through my inventory and realized that I only have one patriotic themed pen blank. I do have it for several different pens though. The Eagle with the solid blue border is available for:

30 Cal Bolt Action - 3 blanks
Sierra Click - 5 blanks.

I have 5 of the Eagle blanks with the red, white & blue border for the PSI Federal Pen Kit.

From July 4 - July 7 (or until sold out) they will be available for $10.47 (30% off the normal price of $14.95). No additional charge for domestic shipping! Click the links above to be taken to the appropriate page in my Etsy Shop.

Thanks for looking and again, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!

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Michael; I hope you do as well! I'm going to sons house and soak in the pool!

I hope everyone takes a moment or two to reflect on the meaning of the day. Freedom is never free. It requires constant care and attention or it goes away. Lately, we seem to be neglecting it and it may leave and never come back!
Michael; I hope you do as well! I'm going to sons house and soak in the pool!

I hope everyone takes a moment or two to reflect on the meaning of the day. Freedom is never free. It requires constant care and attention or it goes away. Lately, we seem to be neglecting it and it may leave and never come back!

My wife and I are getting together with old friends for a cookout later this afternoon.
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