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Well well you guys just made my day thankyou very much:biggrin::biggrin: i spent most of the day in the shop working out the mechanics of some bullet pens for the bullet contest l also have been working on a fix for the Sierra's so called tranny!! problems,:eek: and i believe i have come up with a very easy fix, :rolleyes:but there's always a but i don't no what too do,:confused: should i just post my findings or email some of the long time members here too see what they think of the fix! before i post it up,??? let me know if you have any thoughts Once again thank you all for the birthday wishers it really does makes a big difference.:biggrin::biggrin:
Well well you guys just made my day thankyou very much:biggrin::biggrin: i spent most of the day in the shop working out the mechanics of some bullet pens for the bullet contest l also have been working on a fix for the Sierra's so called tranny!! problems,:eek: and i believe i have come up with a very easy fix, :rolleyes:but there's always a but i don't no what too do,:confused: should i just post my findings or email some of the long time members here too see what they think of the fix! before i post it up,??? let me know if you have any thoughts Once again thank you all for the birthday wishers it really does makes a big difference.:biggrin::biggrin:

John first of all happy birthday. Secondly what were you doing in the shop on your birthday? you should sitting back on the rocking chair out on the porch and have a johnny walker on ice. then we can say you have nice one.
It is your day and hope we can cheer for you many many years.
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