Greetings, I am a David

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Sep 8, 2024
Hi everyone,

Just joined up. I am an engineer (software and circuit boards usually). Whenever I like a thing, I tend to want to go make more of those things. This recently happened with pens. lol

I design yoyos and other doodads for 3d printing and I'm hoping to expand into designing cnc-machineable pens. I am still kind of a noob when it comes to pens, but that's the best place to start I guess.

See you soon!
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Greetings from Nebraska and welcome to the IAP community. I started out as a Software Engineer designing machine control systems based on 1980's microprocessor tech. Then, after I retired I dabbled for a while with some of the newer microcontroller chips.

Once again, welcome to IAP - Dave
Welcome, David! This is a great forum with a wonderful group of people.

I'm intrigued by this idea of CNC machined pens. For a while I've been experimenting with ways to engrave designs and patterns into my pens. I don't have a CNC machine, just a laser engraver and something called the Pen Wizard. I've had some success, but, I've always thought a CNC machine would be a far more capable tool for trying such things. Send me a PM if you are interested in hearing more! ;)
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