Greetings, all.
I've been making sawdust since around 2006 and just discovered woodturning when my wife found a Delta midi lathe at a garage sale and insisted I give it a look. It's been just the ticket since my current home's garage space is at a premium compared to the garage/shop I left back in Colorado a couple years ago.
So far I've taken a pen turning class at Woodcraft and have successfully turned my first solo project, a seam ripper (first of two, for my wife and mother who are both quilters). I've always been a fan of pens, so I'm really looking forward to exploring pen turning.
I've been making sawdust since around 2006 and just discovered woodturning when my wife found a Delta midi lathe at a garage sale and insisted I give it a look. It's been just the ticket since my current home's garage space is at a premium compared to the garage/shop I left back in Colorado a couple years ago.
So far I've taken a pen turning class at Woodcraft and have successfully turned my first solo project, a seam ripper (first of two, for my wife and mother who are both quilters). I've always been a fan of pens, so I'm really looking forward to exploring pen turning.