I'm a novice penturner. Originally joined IAP in 2020, but didn't get to penturning till 2022.
I started out on my Dad's 1980 Craftsman Woodlathe. After restoring the lathe, I thought I was all set. Wasn't too long into turning when the two inside plastic motor brackets cracked and shattered beyond repair. If anyone knows a good fabricator in NE OK, I sure would appreciate the contact. I since purchased a Jet 1221 from Woodcraft of Tulsa. I truly enjoy being creative and learning new techniques.
I'm interested in all things patriotic, military and Veteran. Would enjoy meeting penturners and groups in NE OK. Looking to get my work up to sellable condition for the 2022 Fall craft season.
I started out on my Dad's 1980 Craftsman Woodlathe. After restoring the lathe, I thought I was all set. Wasn't too long into turning when the two inside plastic motor brackets cracked and shattered beyond repair. If anyone knows a good fabricator in NE OK, I sure would appreciate the contact. I since purchased a Jet 1221 from Woodcraft of Tulsa. I truly enjoy being creative and learning new techniques.
I'm interested in all things patriotic, military and Veteran. Would enjoy meeting penturners and groups in NE OK. Looking to get my work up to sellable condition for the 2022 Fall craft season.