Got my Camera back

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Product Reviews Manager
Aug 19, 2007
Fairfield, CT, USA.
I was sure I would never see it again, it disappeared during the tornado. One of the neighbors found it (the case did protect it) and finally figured out how to get the card out and look at the pictures that were on it and brought it to me to see if it looked familiar. There were about a thousand pictures of pens on it and he had a feeling I either owned it or would know who did. I will have to make him a nice pen , he just saved me some money and more importantly, I got my card back with all the pics. Since he does drawing and painting I may have to make him a HB360 sketch pencil.
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Great to hear there are some honest people who will go out of their way like that . He deserves your best . Now go download those pictures and burn them onto a CD before they get lost forever .
Good to hear you got it back Neil, what a lot of folks do now is to take a photo of their address and phone number written on a piece of paper, then lock the photograph so that it cannot be deleted by mistake.

This has helped a lot of people get their camera back when lost.
Wow, that's cool! Around these parts, you'd be lucky if they took the time to drop the card in the mail slot. :mad::frown: You gotta back up those pics. Your work is way to nice to lose those pics for good.

P.S. What does that Lignum Skogger handle look like now?
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Not to be into "one ups manship" but as most of you know I own a camera store. About ten years ago I got a camera, lenses, and case in the mail. It turned out a fellow in France found it on a park bench in Paris. It had one of my business cards in it mixed with the instruction manual. He sent it to me, we looked up the serial number in our records and called the guy. The guy was flabergasted, he had left it there and not noticed it was gone until they were back on the tour bus. He reimbursed the Frenchman for the postage and a little reward. Talk about honest!
Interesting! We took a trip to Disney World and my Uncle who knows everyone in Florida got my brother and I a tour of the underside of the park. We visited the "Lost and Found" dept and asked the lady there how many things get lost in the park. She said they get about 20 to 50 cameras a day during the summer and return all but a small percentage to their owners. We asked what the weirdest thing lost in the park was, and she said a guy on Space Mountain just after it opened lost his GLASS EYE! But they found that night when they cleaned the ride, and returned it to him!

Good to hear you got it back Neil, what a lot of folks do now is to take a photo of their address and phone number written on a piece of paper, then lock the photograph so that it cannot be deleted by mistake.

This has helped a lot of people get their camera back when lost.

this is a great idea. Thanks for sharing it.
Glad that you got your camera back. Download it then you have it in more then one place.
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