Got a chuckle from this

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I doubt that this has anything to do with it but in some areas (and countries) electronics can't be disposed of freely. While keyboards shouldn't be a problem, I would bet that a cranky garbage man will debate it, and probably win.

CL freebies is a way to get rid of charged pickup/ pay for disposal - without cost. :wink: And there is almost ALWAYS someone who will consider it a bargain to haul it off to their home for "free". :rolleyes:
Really now, eyboaRds li e this aRe haRd to find. I have a bRotheR who'd pay a pRetty penny foR one Right now if he new about it. One man's tRash is anotheR man's tReasuRe. I was helping him move to a new home when we got pulled oveR by a man who as_ed us if we weRe going to the dump with all that stuff, he might want something off the tRuc. "Naw man we'Re just moving" we told him. baRgains aRe gReat!! Right?
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