Good News

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Aug 27, 2007
Adamsville, TN, USA.
I went to the Orthopedic Surgeon today, I can't believe how good every thing is looking, I just finished my twice daily clean and dress and Physical torture (self inflicted), only two fingers received much damage, the index which as near as I can tell, lost about 1/2 inch, in fact it may try and regrow a bit of nail, which will have to be removed, and the middle finger while looking ugly, the DR. said is way better than he'd hoped, the ring finger actually gets worse damage in the kitchen making dinner, the torture which they assisted with today, I had to do this evening and Damn it feels sooooooo good, or will when it stops hurting,
The Dr. says getting the skin to heal across the middle finger will be the hardest part followed by the tendon staying together, I have to say I really feel doubly blessed, with a loving wife and Daughter that puts up with an old fart like me, Having a heck of a nice group of friends here and getting a good DR., I can't wait to get back to turning, and typing with two hands.
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Got my right thumbe caught in some machinery trying to prevent a minor catastrophe about 30 years ago. I am missing about 1/4 of an inch. It was about 1/2 in short but over the years it has increased in length a tad. The doc said I would not have a nail there either, but the OR nurse said I would and I do! The nail has pushed or extended the end of my finger outward as it grew.

Sympathies to you!
Cool, sounds like you are on the fasttrack in recovery. Somehow I missed what happened to you (or the Greek intensive class I'm taking right now made me forget everything I've ever known but Greek verb paradigms[B)])

I think you are living proof that a positive attitude is one of the most important elements of healing.

I'm glad things are going well for you and hope it keeps getting better.
Good new Ken!

I read your original post and shudder when I thought about it... I could almost feel the saws cutting through my fingers as I read your post...

I have a little Delta TS that I use on occasion and a Delta compound Miter saw too... I'm terrified of those spining blades and if a piece of wood even looks like it might catch, I get my hands up and away from the saws... I actually got hit in the groin by a pen blank one time that I was cutting and it sounded like the blade caught or something, I jerked my hands up and over my head, which immediately let the blank kick back.. fortunately it was small and didn't do any damage. But I don't stand immediately behind the blade now either.

Keep up the therapy... the pain now will save you some in the future I'm sure.
Glad to learn this news. That's very fortunate.
Now remember: never, ever, ever reach around behind the blade on the TS!
(that's what I think you described in your original post when you said,
"I was using a push stick on the fence side and went to grab the other side
[beyond the] end of the table").
Originally posted by GaryMGg

Glad to learn this news. That's very fortunate.
Now remember: never, ever, ever reach around behind the blade on the TS!
(that's what I think you described in your original post when you said,
"I was using a push stick on the fence side and went to grab the other side
[beyond the] end of the table").
Yup thats what I did, and really no need to worry, I won't be doing that again, every time I bend the digits that aren't pinned I tell my self I say self, do you realize how dumb you were, and I have to bend each joint 20 times and hold it for 5 seconds twice a day on 2.75 bendable fingers, I tell my self I'm stupid several hundred times a day, I'm starting to believe it.
I really been having a major jones for my lathe, and the smell of degassing CA.:(:(:(:(:(
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