Good BBQ

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Sep 28, 2006
Austin, TX, USA.
I'm sure lots of us did some BBQ'ing this weekend but I have to tell you about this. My 16 year old son expressed interest in slow smoking a brisket. I expected his interest to last a few hours and then I would need to finish the cooking.

I was surprised to find out that he spent a few hours researching methods and then woke me up on Sunday morning at 6:30 to begin cooking. He stuck with the process all day (while I got some shop time in) and finally carved on of the most tender, juicy briskets I've ever had around 6pm that evening.

We decided to name our brand of BBQ as "Trashwood BBQ" because I asked him to use as much of the wood leftover from a trash tree taken down last season. Do you folks think I should quit my day job?:)

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